We have spent years researching and trying dog foods to decide what would be the very best food for our dogs and for the puppies as they leave our home. We have tried and recommended some of the most reputable brands over the years only to find that they caused bouts of diarrhea, weight issues, allergy issues, poor coat quality etc. We finally found a food that has delivered all that it claims.
The brand is TLC and it is a special order dog food that is made fresh and delivered to your door as needed (it is still a dry bagged dog food). Our dogs have done so well on it–we have seen huge improvements in digestion, coat quality, stool and overall health. It has ingredients in it that help build and maintain strong joints, aid in digestion, increase coat quality and shine and our dogs love it! We HIGHLY recommend it and are so glad that we have finally found a food that we can be confident in. Your new puppy will come to your home on this food and will need to begin on this.

You will find a link below to use to order this food:

Get In Touch

Contact us for more information and to find the perfect dog for your family.


4893 Lincoln Rd
Macedon, NY 14502




(315) 896-0457